Wednesday, July 11, 2012

About my gaming

I own both a playstation 3 and an xbox 360.  I prefer the ps3.  I use my xbox 360 to play call of duty and sports games.  I only use this to chat in party with my friends.  All my story games go on my ps3, I like their exclusives games a lot more and I owned this system first.

I have put a lot of time into Call of Duty in my life.  15 days in each CoD4 and W@W, 5 days in Mw2 because I really didn't like this game.  I put about 7 days in Black Ops and Currently have about 8 days in MW3.  I am a pretty good player, and I prefer to play search and destroy.  I also love zombies.

Xbox gamertag - TJBish94

Feel free to add me and play.

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