Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

I just seen The Dark Knight Rises.  I recommend this movie to everyone.  Everyone probably already knows that it is going to be great before they even walk in the theater.

I personally liked The Dark Knight (2nd movie) more than this one.  The main reason is because The Joker was just so great in that movie.  Bane was a big dude in this, but The Joker added great lines and was an all around great villain.

2 Hours and 45 Minutes may be a bit too much, it's possible they could have made that a bit shorter.  I recommend going to see this movie though, but I also recommend you watch the first two movies before you go to see it because there is some information you will need to know.  You may get confused if you haven't seen the prior movies.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Super Slim PS3

There is a rumor that sony is making a super slim playstation 3.  In my opinion they are doing this to compete with xbox 360.  It will probably come with a price drop, so the playstation 3 may finally be able to catch up to the xbox 360 in sales.

Rumors are there is a 250gb, 500gb, and a 16gb.  

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Games I will buy this year

This year is lacking in games in my opinion.  I haven't purchased any 2013 game yet.  The only purchase I have made is Walking Dead episodes 1 and 2 which I strongly recommend, especially if you are into the TV series.

AS for the rest of the year, I think I will only be purchasing 2 games: Madden 13 and Call of Duty Black Ops 2.  I purchase both of these games every year, and I have no reason not to do so again this year.  Even though, they are getting repetitive since they are both very similar every year.  I still find a way to have fun with these games for a couple months.

I don't see any other games that catch my eye.  I do not like the Assassin's Creed series, I think it is very overrated, repetitive, and boring.  Also I never got into Halo, I would consider checking out Halo as I heard it was fun and I like online shooters.  We'll just wait and see what happens.

Hopefully Madden and CoD can get me through this year, as my financial situation isn't the best, so I don't want to be spending too much.  Actually, I'm just cheap.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

MGS4 finally getting trophies

After 4 years, one of the best games of this gen will finally be getting trophy support.  I wish this happened a long time ago, but this will probably getting me to play the game again.  It's a classic.

Hideo Kojima will be making an announcement on August 30th for the 25th anniversary.

About my gaming

I own both a playstation 3 and an xbox 360.  I prefer the ps3.  I use my xbox 360 to play call of duty and sports games.  I only use this to chat in party with my friends.  All my story games go on my ps3, I like their exclusives games a lot more and I owned this system first.

I have put a lot of time into Call of Duty in my life.  15 days in each CoD4 and W@W, 5 days in Mw2 because I really didn't like this game.  I put about 7 days in Black Ops and Currently have about 8 days in MW3.  I am a pretty good player, and I prefer to play search and destroy.  I also love zombies.

Xbox gamertag - TJBish94

Feel free to add me and play.